Consell Regulador DO Empordà


Wines for an avant-garde cuisine based on tradition

DO Empordà wines are the perfect pairing to complement the creative, top-quality Empordà cuisine, now a world reference in avant-garde gastronomy. The culinary revolution originating with Ferran Adrià in El Bulli restaurant influenced a whole generation of new chefs, whose establishments now offer a wide range of unique gastronomic experiences.

Celler de Can Roca, Girona.Sherry Ott. Arxiu Imatges PTCBG

The Empordà offers an innovative gastronomy based on a long culinary tradition, for which locally sourced products are the essential ingredients. A historical combination of home cooking, fish stews prepared beside the sea, and meat dishes from the inland regions ... all of which make up the soul of our local cuisine.

Pere Duran. Arxiu Imatges PTCBG

The privileged geographic makeup of the Empordà – sea, plain, and mountain – affords a wide range of products from the agricultural, livestock and fishing sectors. The combination of these elements has given rise to the iconic 'sea and mountain' cuisine that fuses the essence of our territory, climate, and landscape into one tasty dish full of contrasting flavours.

Gastronomy associations

The two main gastronomy associations in the area, Cuina del Vent and Cuina del Empordanet are the best exponents of our avant-garde cuisine based on tradition and locally sourced ingredients.

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