Consell Regulador DO Empordà

Celler Martín Faixó

Family-run winery surrounded by the sea, located at an altitude of 300 m on Cadaqués Pass, in Cap de Creus Natural Park. The slate soil produces a yield of 35 hl/ha. The Tramuntana North wind has beneficial effects on the health of the vines.

Size of estate: 11 ha
Grape varieties: Picapoll, Muscat of Alexandria, Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot and Grenache noir
Types of wine: white, rosé, red and sweet
Brands: Cadac and Perafita


Opening hours: Monday - Sundany, at 11h., 12'30h. and 16h. (by appointment only)
Duration: 1-2 h 
Capacity: 2 - 20 persons 
Contact: +34 972 25 89 54 / + 34 682 107 142
Languages: Catalan, Spanish, English and French 
Price: €15 (wine tasting included) 
Other services: accommodation, group meals, banquets

Mas Perafita. Ctra. de Cadaqués, s/n

17480, Cadaqués

+ 34 972 25 89 54 / + 34 682 107 142

Vins del celler

  • Perafita Blanc
  • Perafita Rosat
  • Perafita Negre
  • Perafita Negre
  • Cadac
  • Perafita Moscatell
  • Perafita Garnatxa Dolça
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